Commission requests the People’s Majlis to strengthen the Acts endorsed by the parliament and to avert any chance of barriers against Press Freedom

November 7, 2013

Maldives Broadcasting Commission has requested the People’s Majlis to strengthen the Broadcasting Acts endorsed by the parliament and to avoid any chance of barriers against press freedom.

Below is the translation of the main points of the letter sent to President of Peoples Majlis, Mr. Abdullah Shaahid by the President of Maldives Broadcasting Commission, Mr. Mohamed Shahyb.

“As your Excellency may know, under Broadcasting Act 16/2010, this Commission was incepted to regulate, and develop the broadcast industry of the country. Broadcasting Act and Maldives Media Council Act states that the Broadcasting Commission and the Media Council is mandated to monitor and regulate the content of media.

However, bypassing the above mentioned Acts, the Supreme Court has issued a court order to Maldives Police Service to investigate Raajje TV’s broadcast content of 19 October 2013.  In regard to this court order, the Commission has expressed its concern with the Supreme Court in writing. Moreover, the Commission also expressed concern as Maldives Police Service is investigating this case and it is an additional worry to the Commission that it is processed as a criminal case.

“On 21 October 2013, Supreme Court requested from the Commission to investigate Raajje TV’s broadcast content issue of 19 October 2013. In reply, on 24 October 2013, the Commission notified Supreme Court that the Commission is in the process of adjudicating this complaint. Therefore, the Commission believes that Supreme Court’s decision to issue a Court order to Maldives Police Service to investigate this case undermines freedom of expression and media freedom ensured by Article 27 and 28 of the Constitution. Furthermore, the Commission firmly believes that Supreme Court’s decision has undervalued the fundamental democratic pillars of a society.

“As the Commission is in the complaint adjudication process, we have requested from Supreme Court in writing to annul the Court order issued to Police and to withdraw the case filed against Raajje TV.

“In Accordance to the Broadcasting Act, Maldives Broadcasting Commission is the organization appointed to monitor and take necessary action towards any broadcasting matter. However, we feel that the Acts endorsed by the Parliament to regulate the Media has been breached and weakened, even though it is with the Supreme Court’s ruling, when the Police have begun to investigate the case”

“Henceforth, the Commission takes this opportune moment to request from Your Excellency to strengthen the Broadcasting Acts endorsed by the parliament and to forbid any chance of barriers against Press Freedom