Maldives Broadcasting Commission has drafted a guideline on broadcasting political content in Election period.

July 25, 2013

Maldives Broadcasting Commission has drafted a guideline on broadcasting political content in election period.

“Guideline on Broadcasting Political Content in Election” is a set of guideline for broadcasters for news and political coverage in a manner that is truthful, fair and unbiased in accordance with international best practices during the election period. This guideline which constitutes 10 clauses has been formulated with the expertise of an American Consultant who visited Maldives to conduct an election training program

This has been circulated with all broadcasters and other stakeholders for comments and feedback. The guideline has been shared with Election Commission, Maldives Media Council, Transparency Maldives, Communication Authority of Maldives and Maldives Police services. After the comments from stakeholders necessary changes will be brought to this guideline and the final guideline will be publicized