Draft Regulation on Accreditation of Journalists formulated opened for Public consultation

March 12, 2013

The first draft of the Regulation on accreditation of journalists in accordance with the Freedom of Peaceful Assembly Act (01/2013) enacted, has been opened for public consultation.

“Regulation on Accreditation of journalists” is a regulation to accredit journalists covering peaceful protests under the Peaceful Assembly Act in order to establish procedure on how journalists will be accredited and to provide support for media personnel in ensuring the freedom of media guaranteed by the Article 28 of the Constitution.

Although the Commission believes that formulating this regulation is outside its mandate, this draft containing eight articles, has been formulated as it was made obligatory for the Commission to do so as per the recently enacted Peaceful Assembly Act. 

 The deadline set by the Commission for public to send in their comments is by 18 March 2013. Commission has also set up the email:strategic@broadcom.com.mv to facilitate those who wish to do so by email. 

According to Maldives Broadcasting Commission the formulation work will be complete by the end of March and it is expected that the regulation will be put on gazette by the first week of April.