Broadcasting Commission participates in a procession calling for protection and safety of Journalists

February 23, 2013

Maldives Broadcasting Commission’s members and staff participated in a procession held today to condemn the attack on journalists and call for their protection and safety.

The walk organized by Maldives Media Council took place on main roads of Male with Media personnel carrying messages and raising voice for the protection of journalists.

At some stage, members of Broadcasting Commission and Maldives Media Council met Maldives Police Service at Iskandhar Koshi to discuss security and protection for journalists.

During this meeting with Maldives Police Service, Police assured that they will provide security services upon request irrespective of the media organization and in case of requests for permanent security they will provide the service after analyzing and assessing the risk to the media organization.

Police also assured that investigations regarding the attacks on media and journalists will be speeded up and the cases will be sent to be prosecuted at the earliest.

After the meeting with Maldives Police the walk continued on Ameenee Magu and ended in front of the Maldives Media Council offices after which the President of Broadcasting Commission Mohamed Shahyb and President of Media Council Ibrahim Khaleel briefed the media on the outcomes of the meeting.

A statement released by the Commission condemning the attacks on TVM and Raaje TV journalists said that it was a cowardly act to prevent freedom of media and to create fear among journalists. Commission urged the relevant authorities to find and bring the perpetrators of these criminal activities to justice.  The Commission also called upon authorities to provide the journalists and Broadcasting Stations the necessary protection they need.