Broadcasting Commission cautions broadcasters to refrain from airing photos of members of independent institutions in a derogatory manner

September 26, 2013

Maldives Broadcasting Commission has cautioned all broadcasters to refrain from airing photos of members of independent institutions in a derogatory manner which could jeopardize national harmony, until Commission concludes adjudication of the related complaints.

Following is the text from the cautionary notice issued to all broadcasters signed by the President of the Commission.

“We have been receiving a number of complaints alleging broadcasters are airing photos of Judges of Supreme Court and Members of the Election Commission in a manner which is disrespectful to them and which is jeopardizing national harmony. We are in the process of adjudicating these complaints.

We inform all broadcasting stations to refrain from airing such photos until the Commission concludes adjudication on the related complaints.

At a time when the country is facing political turmoil in relation to the Presidential Election, we urge all broadcasters to refrain from airing content that calls for violence, obstruct the peace and spread falsified information. We remind all broadcasting stations to adhere to the Broadcast Code of Practice enacted under Article 37 of the Broadcasting Act. In accordance with the rules and regulations Maldives Broadcasting Commission will take action against broadcasters who fail to comply with the Broadcast Code of Practice.