Commission Discuss Training Schedule of 2013 with Broadcasters

December 24, 2012

Maldives Broadcasting Commission discussed the training schedule for the year 2013 with broadcasters yesterday.

In this meeting Commission shared the information of two main training programs planned for the first quarter of the year 2013. These trainings included “Election Coverage,” training to be held from January 20-31st with the aid of the American Government. The aim of this program is to train media on reporting and covering elections in light of international best practices in a young democracy like the Maldives. Commission also shared information related to the “Creative Content Production,” training planned in collaboration with Asia Pacific Institute for Broadcasting Development, AIBD and CFI to be held in February 2013.

President of the Commission Mohamed Shahyb reiterated that the Commission’s limited budget does not have the financial capacity to run many training programs for broadcasters, hence the Broadcasting Commission has to collaborate with international media organizations, foreign embassies and other stakeholder organizations to carry out this important work of providing the vital training needed for local broadcasters.

Similarly in the year 2012, the Commission conducted two significant training programs. The first training program was carried out in collaboration with the AIBD where media personnel were trained on the topic of “Legal Awareness in an Era of Media Convergence”. Participants from 5 different countries attended this sub-regional training held in September 2012. The Second training program organized in collaboration with the Maldivian Red Crescent was conducted for local media personnel on the topic of “Reporting in Disasters and Situation of Violence.”

Mohamed Shahyb also stressed on the importance of broadcasters cooperation and participation in trainings and workshops. He highlighted that most programs are run with foreign aid and it is important for broadcasters to actively participate and gather maximum benefit from such trainings and also send a message to foreign parties assisting in the development of the Maldives broadcasting industry that local broadcasters are receptive and positive towards being a part of trainings.

In this meeting broadcasters also voiced the importance of training for the fast developing broadcasting industry and identified the challenges to them in releasing staff for trainings due to staff shortages in their stations.

Furthermore, broadcasters also identified the areas in which training is required and discussed the importance of journalists acquiring general knowledge on the local systems of governance and being thorough with laws, regulation and how the court system and parliament works.

Attendees of yesterday’s meeting included stations currently in operation and channels who produce news and current affairs programs. Representation from the Broadcasting Commission included Commission President, Mohamed Shahyb, Commissioners Ibrahim Ashraf, Moomina Adam, Aishath Hana and Secretary General, Noora Ali.