Commission Express Concern over Raaje TV journalist being summoned to Police for an investigation upon request of Supreme Court

October 26, 2013

In the press briefing held today President of the Maldives Broadcasting Commission briefed media on the following;

  1. Commissioner of Police Abdulla Riyaz confirmed to President of the Maldives Broadcasting Commission that Raaje TV journalist was being summoned to police for an investigation in relation to a court order issued by the Supreme Court.
  1. Broadcasting Commission acknowledges receiving a letter of complaint from Supreme Court on 21 October about a report aired by Raaje TV. Supreme Court had requested Broadcasting Commission to complete adjudication of the complaint within 10 days.
  1. On 24 October 2013, Commission has informed Supreme Court that the said complaint will be processed and adjudicated in accordance with Broadcasting Act and Complaints Mechanism established by the Commission. According to Article 42 (c) of the Broadcasting Act, Commission has to give reasonable time for the defendant to submit their rebuttal and as per Article 43 (a) of the Broadcasting Act; a two month period is provided to conclude adjudication on any complaint. Also Broadcasting Commission has informed the Supreme Court that upon adjudication of the said complaint the decision will be communicated to the Supreme Court accordingly.
  1. Currently there are two Independent Institutions constituted under two separate Acts, who are specifically mandated to oversee issues related to the media .Broadcasting Commission expresses deep concern over the Supreme Court bypassing these institutions and ordering the Maldives Police Service to investigate a broadcaster in relation to a content which was aired.
  1. Maldives Broadcasting Commission is of the view that such acts undermine the Freedom of Expression and Press Freedom guaranteed by the Constitution of the Maldives.
  1. Commission’s is of the view that any action or penalty against a broadcaster should be in accordance with Article 44 of the Broadcasting Act.
  1. Broadcasting Commission has also taken the decision to share this concern with the President’s Office, Supreme Court and Parliament.
  1. It is the Broadcasting Commission’s decision that these concerns be shared with International Organizations working to protect media freedom.
  1. The Maldives Broadcasting Commission and Maldives Police Service have signed a MoU in 2012 to cooperate in matters related to complaints submitted against broadcasters. One of the points agreed in the MoU was that broadcast content related cases submitted to the Police would be channeled to the Broadcasting Commission for adjudication.