Maldives Broadcasting Commission proposes to state institutions to sign a Five Point Pledge to uphold Media Freedom

April 24, 2013

Maldives Broadcasting Commission has formulated a 5 point pledge to uphold Media Freedom and proposed to state institutions to sign this pledge on World Press Freedom Day.

Maldives Broadcasting Commission is holding “Upholding Media Freedom: The 5 point pledge” signing event on 3 May 2013 at 16:30 hrs at Artificial Beach. The Broadcasting Commission has invited heads of the three pillars of state, the President, Chief Justice, Speaker of Peoples Majlis to participate and sign the five point pledge. In addition the Commission has also invited all Independent Institutions, Ministries and Political Parties to participate and pledge to uphold media freedom. 

In this event Commission opens all broadcasting stations to participate and pledge to adhere to broadcasting Code of Practice formulated by the Broadcasting Commission under the Broadcasting Act.

Upholding Media Freedom: The 5 point pledge signing event is organized with the assistance of all broadcasting stations. The Commission held a meeting with CEOs and MDs of broadcasting stations today to discuss the preparations for this event.

Following is the five point pledge formulated by the Commission.

“Everyone has the right to freedom of the press, and other means of communication, including the right to espouse, disseminate and publish news, information, views and ideas. No person shall be compelled to disclose the source of any information that is espoused, disseminated or published by that person.”

– Article 28 of the Constitution of the Republic of Maldives


Upholding Media Freedom: The 5 Point Pledge

In our consolidated effort to ensure the freedom of the media enshrined in Article 28 of the Constitution, we hereby pledge:

  1. To be free from prejudice by giving fair and equal access to the media.
  2. To ensure the safety of journalists,
  3. To protect journalists from punitive measures and harassment,
  4. To provide a conducive environment for journalists to do their jobs,
  5. To enhance the role of media in a democracy by allowing free flow of information.

We shall remain committed and true to the “Five Point Pledge” leading by example and deriving inspiration from one another.