Maldives Broadcasting Commission requests broadcasters to submit information with regard to Direct Access time allocated to Presidential Candidates

August 11, 2013

Maldives Broadcasting Commission requests all broadcasting stations to submit information with regard to Direct Access time allocated to Presidential Candidates for the purpose of monitoring the TV coverage of this year’s Presidential elections in accordance to the General Elections Act (11/2008) Article 30. 

In a circular issued by the Commission to all Radio/TV Stations the following information was requested.

  1. Stations policy on allocating Direct Access to Presidential Candidates
  2. On Air Time Schedule for Direct Access
  3. Price details for Direct Access
  4. Information on how broadcasters plan to publicize their Direct Access time
  5. Recording of the Content aired during Direct Access time

The deadline given by the Commission for broadcasters to send this information is before 13:00 hrs of 13 August 2013.