
Certificates awarded to participants of Creative Content Production Workshop

February 7, 2013

Training program on Creative Content Production has ended and participants were awarded Certificates on a ceremony held this evening.

Creative content production training program commenced today

February 3, 2013

Creative content training program organized with the aid of Asia Pacific Institute of Broadcasting Development and Canal France International has commenced today.

Certificates awarded for participants of Election Coverage Training

January 30, 2013

Training workshop held on “Enhancing the role of media in election coverage” ended this afternoon and participants were awarded certificates.

Training program on “Enhancing the role of media on election coverage” commenced today

January 26, 2013

Training program on “enhancing the role of media on election coverage” organized by Maldives Broadcasting Commission and US Embassy commenced this morning.

Awareness evening held on Enhancing the role of media in Election Coverage

January 24, 2013

An evening to create awareness on enhancing the role of media was held by the Maldives Broadcasting Commission in collaboration with the Embassy of United States (Sri Lanka and Maldives).