President Appoints Members to the Maldives Broadcasting Commission

April 4, 2011

President Mohamed Nasheed has today appointed members to the Maldives Broadcasting Commission constituted under Article 3 of the Broadcasting Act (Act number 16/2010).

Members of the Maldives Broadcasting Commission are as follows:

1. Mr Badhuru Naseer
2. Ms Aishath Hana
3. Mr Mohamed Shaheeb
4. Ms Mariyam Shauqy
5. Mr Ibrahim Ashraf
6. Ms Moomina Adam
7. Mr Abdulla Shujau

President Nasheed presented their Letters of Appointment at a ceremony held at the President’s Office this afternoon.

Addressing the Commission after presentation of their Letters of Appointment, the President noted that media was the fourth pillar of the state, and therefore, good governance and development were not possible without a free media.

Further he expressed his confidence that the Commission would not take any action that could be seen as over regulation of media and constrain media freedom.