Training program on “Enhancing the role of media on election coverage” commenced today

January 26, 2013

Training program on “enhancing the role of media on election coverage” organized by Maldives Broadcasting Commission and US Embassy commenced this morning.

Media Personnel and representatives from relevant organizations and NGO’s will participate on this five day training held at Nalahiyaa Hotel.Training is conducted by Terry Anzur who is an experienced broadcast journalist from US.

Vice President of Maldives Broadcasting Commission addressed the participants on the opening ceremony held this morning. He thanked the American Embassy for funding and providing assistance to organise such training aimed to develop media.

On this ceremony representative from American Embassy Christopher Elms addressed the participants. In his speech he said that Media is the gatekeeper of information.  Journalists control what information Maldivians hear and the importance of sharing both sides of the story so the Maldivians can decide on their next leader.

Maldives Broadcasting Commission has planned to run similar programs for broadcasters throughout the year. Commission will also be formulating an election coverage guideline for broadcasters.